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Endress+Hauser connectivity device Liquiline Edge Module CYY7 in Ethernet variant

Liquiline Edge Module

Connectivity device for the Liquiline platform for all industries

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Spesifikasjonene kort oppsummert

  • Output / communication

    connection to Netilion Cloud Platform:
    Ethernet; radio communication

  • Ingress protection

    depending on Liquiline platform product


The Liquiline Edge Module CYY7 enables extensive data transfer from the measuring point (even from barely accessible infrastructures) to Netilion. Thus, it simplifies maintenance by providing constant remote overview of measurement values, by offering additional insights of process data, and by enabling the use of IIoT applications. It is easy-use as it is a plug-in module that communicates independently of the present architecture and fieldbus.

The Liquiline Edge Module CYY7 is suitable for all industries and their utilities and can be embedded to devices of the Liquiline platform:


  • Connection to Netilion: The device continuously transfers data from the measuring point to the cloud-based IIoT ecosystem Netilion. Thereby, it enables you to get remote data overview and make best use of your data and of IIoT applications.

  • Saving time and money: With the unlocked data in Netilion, you can empower your field: have constant data overview from everywhere, monitor the health of devices and simplify maintenance, e.g. by receiving alerts for critical values.

  • Simple installation and seamless integration: The plug-in device is space-saving and communicates independently of whatever architecture and fieldbus system you use. An intuitive wizard simplifies commissioning.

  • Cybersecurity: The high security standards of the Liquiline Edge Module CYY7 keep your data safe and secured. It features a unique security concept that prevents intrusion into the process.

  • Liquiline Assist App: The comprehensible visualization, the sensor's health status and the correlation overview give you a helping hand to take full advantage of the collected data.

  • Order options to best suit your needs: The module is available either as a feature when ordering a new transmitter or as an upgrade to an installed Liquiline platform (transmitter, sampler or analyzer) as well as in radio or Ethernet variant.

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  • Designet for krevende applikasjoner

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