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Liquiline System CA80NO - Nitrite analyzer for drinking water, mineral water, wastewater

Nitrite analyzer
Liquiline System CA80NO

Colorimetric system for monitoring of drinking water, mineral water or raw water for food production

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Spesifikasjonene kort oppsummert

  • Measuring range

    10 to 500 µg/l NO2-N
    0.2 to 3.0 mg/l NO2-N
    0.1 to 1.0 mg/l NO2-N
    0.1 to 1.0 mg/l with dilution function to maximum 5 to 50 mg/l NO2-N

  • Process temperature

    4 to 40 °C (39 to 104 °F)

  • Process pressure

    At atmospheric pressure, < 0.2 bar absolute


Liquiline System CA80NO offers precise, regulation-compliant online measurement of nitrite. It supports you in meeting the specified limits in drinking water, mineral water or food production. Like all Liquiline System analyzers, it enables plug & play of up to four Memosens sensors – minimizing the installation effort. Automatic calibration and cleaning and the low reagent consumption reduce operating and maintenance costs. Advanced diagnostics with remote access ensure process safety.

Liquiline System CA80NO supports you in keeping the strict nitrite limits for:

  • Drinking water

  • Mineral water

  • Raw water for food production


  • Compliance with standard colorimetric measuring principle - naphthylamine method - following ISO 6777 and DIN EN 26777 ensures comparability to lab measurements.

  • Reduced operating costs through automatic calibration and cleaning.

  • Simple maintenance: no tools required.

  • Advanced diagnostics with remote access for increased process safety.

  • Fast commissioning and plug & play thanks to Memosens technology and user-friendly operation.

  • Easy upgrade of functionality - even to a complete measuring station - simply by adding modules and connecting Memosens sensors. Reduces installation effort.


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