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product picture of the process gas analyzer S700

process gas analyzer

Tailor-made gas analysis for process and emission monitoring

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Spesifikasjonene kort oppsummert

  • Measured variables

    Ar, CBrF3, CClF3, CCl2F2, CCl3F, CHClF2, CHCl3, CH2Cl2, CH2O, CH3Cl, CH3OH, (CH3)2O, CH4, CO, CO2, CS2, C2Cl2F4, C2Cl3F3, C2Cl4, C2HCl3, C2H2, C2H2Cl2, C2H2F4, C2H3Cl3, C2H4, C2H4Cl2, C2H5OH, C2H6, C3H4, C3H6, C3H7OH, C3H8, C3H8O2, C4H6, C4H8, C4H10, C4H8O, C4H9OH, C5H12, C6H10O, C6H12, C6H14, C7H16, C7H8, C8H10, He, H2, H2O, NH3, NO, N2O, O2, SF6, SO2

  • Ambient temperature range

    +5 °C ... +45 °C

  • Hazardous area approvals

    S715 Ex:
    ATEX II 3G Ex nR IIC T6 Gc
    Without intrinsically safe measured value outputs
    ATEX II 3G Ex nR [ib] IIC T6 Gc
    With intrinsically safe measured value outputs
    S720 Ex / S721 Ex:
    ATEX II 2G Ex db ia IIC T6 Gb
    Without intrinsically safe measured value outputs
    ATEX II 2G Ex db ia [ia] IIC T6 Gb
    With intrinsically safe measured value outputs


With the modular gas analyzer S700, a customer-specific and tailor-made measuring device can be put together for almost every application. Various analyzer modules for the measurement of well over 60 gases, and different housing variants offer comprehensive and individually tailored combination options.

  • Cooling gas monitoring of turbo generators

  • CO measurement for coal mill monitoring

  • H2 purity measurements in pressure swing adsorption systems

  • CO2 monitoring in natural gas during natural gas processing

Device properties:

  • Various analyzer modules are available: UNOR (NDIR), MULTOR (NDIR), OXOR-E (electrochemical O2), OXOR-P (paramagnetic O2), THERMOR (thermal conductivity)

  • Over 60 measuring components to choose from

  • Different housing variants

  • Up to three analyzer modules in one housing


  • Simple application-specific configuration thanks to modular design

  • Can also be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 (ATEX) explosion-hazardous areas

  • Automatic readjustment using test gas or calibration cell

  • Integrated self-monitoring and error analysis

  • Process monitoring for the safety and quality of manufacturing processes and products by measuring flammable gases and explosive gas mixtures in zones 1 and 2

  • Reliable remote control and integration into distributed control systems thanks to optional equipment with various interface converters

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