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Product picture Raman bIO-Optics 120, 220, 320 side view aiming left with tags showing

Raman bIO-Optics

Continuous, inline, multi-component bioprocess measurement

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  • Measuring principle

    Raman spectroscopy

  • Laser wavelength

    785 nm, 1000 nm

  • Sampling probe compatibility

    Raman Rxn-10 probe

  • Sample interface

    Temperature: –30 to 150 °C / -22 to 302 °F

  • Pressure

    Max pressure: 13.8 barg / 200 psig

  • Wetted materials

    Body: 316L stainless steel
    Window: Proprietary material, optimized for bioprocesses
    Process connection: PG13.5
    Surface finish: Ra 15 with electropolish
    Adhesive: USP Class VI and ISO 10993 compatible

  • Length

    120, 220, 320, or 420 mm
    4.73, 8.67, 12.60, 16.54 inch

  • Diameter

    12 mm / 0.48 inch

  • Sterilization method


  • Process connection
