Increasing water efficiency
DMK invests in sustainable water treatment
DMK sees great potential for increasing water efficiency by optimizing the cleaning processes, reducing the COD load and reusing the vapor water from the drying process. The process measurement technology from Endress+Hauser and its highly reliable process data help DMK implement the desired sustainability goals.

Vapor water from the spray drying tower is converted back into steam. Thanks to the treated vapor water, drinking water consumption can be significantly reduced.
Reduction of drinking water consumption by 5% and COD load by 6% thanks to optimized wastewater treatment
Significant savings in CO₂ emissions thanks to a new waste heat concept
Customer challenge
The costs of purchasing fresh water are rising and the local supply situation is becoming increasingly uncertain. In terms of wastewater, regulations governing discharge are increasing and becoming more stringent. DMK sees a need to increase water efficiency as a way to contribute to a sustainable, climate-neutral future.
In terms of heat recovery, the vapor water, which is a good 50 °C warm during drying, is treated and fed into the steam generation process. In addition the wastewater treatment process was optimized in the area of COD load reduction and CIP system improvements.
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Tekniske egenskaper
- Designet for krevende applikasjoner
Tekniske egenskaper
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Fundamental utvalg Møter dine grunleggende målebehov |
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Extended utvalg Optimaliser prosessene dine med innovative teknologier |
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Xpert utvalg Mestre de mest utfordrende applikasjonene dine |
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