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Flowfit CUA252 is a turbidity flow cell with extremely low backscattering.

Turbidity assembly
Flowfit CUA252

Polyethylene (PE) flow assembly for drinking water, process water and utilities

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Spesifikasjonene kort oppsummert

  • Process temperature

    0 to 50°C

  • Process pressure

    0 to 6 bars


Flowfit CUA252 is a turbidity flow assembly for all drinking and process water applications. Its extremely low backscattering enables reliable values even in the lowest measuring range – for precise information about your process. The ruggedized PE material withstands high pressure and temperature and is fully suitable for drinking water. Thus, you preserve each drop of water in the process. Its easy to use Clamp connection and automatic venting speed up sensor installation and commissioning.

Flowfit CUA252 is a flow assembly for use with the Turbimax CUS52D sensor in:

  • Drinking and process water:
    - All measuring points from inlet to outlet of water plants
    - Abstraction and raw water control
    - All measuring points in distribution networks
    - All quality control points in water production

  • Wastewater treatment plants:
    - Reuse of outlet water

  • Utilities of all industries:
    - All measuring points from inlet to outlet of water production
    - All measuring points in distribution networks


  • Precise information about your process: Extremely low backscattering allows reliable measuring values even at the lowest turbidity.

  • Flexible mounting: Quick screwing into the process pipeline or in a bypass installation with a wide range of pipe connections.

  • Fast sensor installation and commissioning: Easy-to-use clamp connection and automatic venting speed up integration into your process.

  • Robust design: Suitable for process pressures up to 6 bar (87 psi) and temperatures up to 50°C (122°F).

  • Enkle produkter

  • Enkelt å velge, intallere og bruke

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  • Standardprodukter

  • Pålitelige, robuste og lette å vedlikeholde

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  • High- end produkter

  • Høyst funksjonelle og praktiske

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  • Spesialprodukter

  • Designet for krevende applikasjoner

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