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Increase bioprocess productivity with innovative technology

Innovation is a key factor for productivity growth and operational excellence

bioprocess productivity, operational excellence, life sciences

The life sciences industry faces ongoing challenges with patent expiration of blockbuster drugs. Maintaining profitability, global manufacturing and cost awareness are important. Operational excellence programs are rolled out globally to improve manufacturing processes. The goal is to reduce risk and increase productivity without compromising quality. Innovative solutions are more and more requested in this context.

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Together with our employees, you can attain operational excellence and increase bioprocess productivity of your water purification and distribution process. With their knowledge and experience, they will help you reach your goals.

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70 %

Less calibration costs with Heartbeat Technology, during 10 years of operation

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100 %

Compliance to industry standards and regulations

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> 7,000

Endress+Hauser holds more than 7,000 patents and patent applications which help reach productivity growth


What you can do

With the development of new technologies, life sciences manufacturing operations benefit from efficient service concepts and increased bioprocess productivity. Before starting the actual manufacturing process, water purification and distribution require attention. A reliable integrated calibration concept is the base for optimized plant availability.

  • Flow measurement
  • Conductivity monitoring
  • Easy and fast calibration
  • Reduce analytical calibration complexity
  • Self-diagnostic and effortless verification
